Lingoda | Online Language School

Lingoda | Online Language School

Lingoda | Online Language School

Executive Summary

Executive Summary

Executive Summary

Optimizing Lingoda's information architecture to improve user experience, increase conversion rates, reduce bounce rates, and enhance SEO rankings.

UX & CRO | Redesign | Desktop | E-learning | 2019 | 1 Month











1 Month




Lingoda, an online language school offering real-time courses in English, German, Spanish, and French taught by qualified instructors, faced significant challenges in 2019. As the SEO Manager in the product team, I spearheaded an initiative to address these issues:

  1. Bounce rate of 62%

  2. Conversion rate of 8%

  3. Difficalties in ranking for major keywords (KWs)

Recognizing the need for a comprehensive solution, a cross-functional team was assembled, with members from both the product and marketing teams. The primary drivers of this initiative were the UX and SEO functions.

Our project aimed to optimize the website structure and individual pages, focusing on improving bounce rates, conversion rates, and KW rankings. The emphasis on desktop design was crucial, given that 68% of Lingoda's customer base preferred desktop platforms.

Data Gathering

Data Gathering

Data Gathering

I led the initial research and data gathering phase, utilizing Google Analytics to identify the core issue. The findings were remarkably clear—62% of users were bouncing from the homepage, and a staggering 65% were exiting on the language-specific learning pages, which are second-level pages.

User Research

User Research

User Research

We designed a focused questionnaire to examine users' behaviors, specifically aiming to comprehend why users were bouncing from either the homepage or the language-specific pages. Through 25 user interviews conducted via platforms such as Zoom and Google Meet, we gathered a diverse and valuable set of responses. During the interviews, both myself and the Product Designer took turns as the designated moderator in each session, while another team member diligently documented the insights shared by participants.

Problem Definition

Problem Definition

Problem Definition

User interviews brought to light the primary issues:

  1. Users experienced confusion regarding the nature of the products

  2. Users encountered difficulty in finding information about how Lingoda works

  3. A notable misalignment existed between what was communicated to users and what Lingoda actually offered

Stakeholders Consensus

Stakeholders Consensus

Stakeholders Consensus

The process presented significant challenges, mainly due to the involvement of numerous stakeholders with diverse and sometimes conflicting interests. Ultimately, we arrived at a consensus that outlined the following key points:

  1. Clarity in Product Communication:

• Clearly communicate the features of our products

  1. Clear Explanation of Lingoda's Functionality:

• Provide a more concise and clear explanation of how Lingoda works

  1. Dedicated Space for SEO Optimization:

• Allocate specific space on webpages for SEO optimization

• Ensure that SEO efforts do not compromise the brand tonality of the major pages

Design Solutions: Wireframing | Information Architecture

Design Solutions: Wireframing | Information Architecture

Design Solutions: Wireframing | Information Architecture

To effectively tackle the identified issues, our strategy focused on revamping both the top Nav menu and the home page.

Top Nav Menu Redesign:

Previously, the top Nav menu comprised the Lingoda logo, language courses, a language selector, and a login button. The redesigned menu incorporated the following changes:

  1. Logo Retention: Maintained the Lingoda logo.

  2. "How it Works" Addition: Introduced a "How it Works" button, offering a direct link to related pages for better user understanding of the Lingoda process.

  3. Language Courses Dropdown: Implemented a dropdown menu featuring available language courses, linking to major category pages to optimize for SEO.

  4. Courses Types Dropdown: Introduced a dropdown menu presenting different types of courses, guiding users to relevant product pages with detailed explanations.

  5. Corporate Solutions Button: Included a button redirecting users to the corporate solutions page, addressing a strong request from the brand.

  6. Standard Elements Retention: Kept the standard language selector, login button, and added a sign-up button.

Home Page Redesign:

Recognizing the need to optimize the information architecture of the home page, we made the following enhancements:

  1. Key Element Retention: Maintained major elements requested by the brand and product team, including success stories, student reviews, and corporate client features.

  2. "How it Works" Image: Introduced a prominent "How it Works" image, providing a visual explanation of the Lingoda process and linking users to related pages.

  3. Courses Showcase: Implemented an image slider showcasing available types of courses, directing users to relevant product pages with detailed explanations.

  4. FAQ Section: Added an FAQ section strategically used for SEO optimization without compromising the brand tonality.

Usability Testing

Usability Testing

Usability Testing

We executed usability testing to assess the impact of the new designs. Users consistently reported that the revamped interface demonstrated high levels of intuitiveness, ease of understanding, and facilitated the completion of tasks with exceptional ease.




The new Lingoda top Nav menu and homepage were developed utilizing existing assets to expedite the process. We implemented a responsive design strategy to ensure an optimal user experience across diverse devices. This strategic enhancement aimed to deliver users a seamless and engaging journey, whether accessing the page from a desktop, tablet, or mobile device. The responsive design prioritized not only visual appeal but also functionality and accessibility, facilitating easy navigation, exploration, and interaction with the content. This approach significantly contributed to an enhanced overall satisfaction and interaction for users.

Business Results

Business Results

Business Results

The refined user experience led to a more intuitive navigation, enabling users to effortlessly access information and complete their desired actions:

  1. The conversion rate experienced a substantial increase, rising from 8% to 14%

  2. The bounce rate witnessed a significant reduction, dropping from 62% to 39%

  3. Successful penetration into major keyword rankings marked a noteworthy SEO achievement

Next: We-vibe | Ecommerce

Next: We-vibe | Ecommerce

Next: We-vibe | Ecommerce

Revamping the information architecture of an e-commerce to enhance user experience, increase conversion rates, minimize bounce rates, and improve SEO rankings.

UX & CRO | Redesign | Desktop | E-commerce | 2020 | 1 Month

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